Providing Families Transparent Insight in Mathematics to Help Their Children Soar

Welcome! It’s great to have you here.

You may be here because you’re worried that your child is caught in the estimated 6.6 month delay in the Australian region from the COVID pandemic (“How COVID-19 caused a global learning crisis”, Apr 2022) You might be worried that if you don’t get them back up to speed, that the longer their low confidence and poor skills go on, the wider that gap will become so that they don’t catch up.

You may be here because your child’s end of year results weren’t as good as they could of been, and their report comments suggested support at home. You love your children and want to do your best to help them thrive and be confident learners; you just need a little help on where the best place to start is.

Whatever the reason you’ve arrived, I’m glad you’re here. I love helping parents who want the best for their kids.

So often, we think of Mathematics as just being about the content. But here at Find the Gap, we want to go beyond the content into your child’s beliefs about themselves in the classroom, what is achievable for them, find out what makes them worry, and how they respond when presented with difficult challenges.

You could even say that it’s my goal to assess, intervene and help, and fill your child with so much confidence and wonderful strategies that I make myself redundant. I think there is no greater gift than empowering learners that they are more than capable to do it, and watch them achieve things they had believed for so long that they couldn’t!

So, what exactly is ‘here’?

There are a few different elements to Find the Gap.

The first is our diagnostic testing service. There are longer style tests for children getting ready for high school (Year 7 am I ready?), and to check how they have made the transition into secondary schooling (Am I ready for Year 9).

  • A 35 question Mathematics assessment covering 35 outcomes of the Australian Curriculum
  • A summary report of your child’s achievement across all key areas
    • A detailed summary listing all curriculum codes for further investigation if needed
    • A list of recommendations how you can use this report to support your child at home and in the classroom
    • An overview of how the curriculum is structured to give you a complete picture
    • Gaps in understanding that your child missed or has forgotten that are likely to be causing concerns in the current year

To find out more about our testing options, please read more under the diagnostic tab in the menu.

Find the Gaps is like the personal trainer at the gym. The gym has all the equipment, caring staff and a supportive environment to thrive, but sometimes you need help with how the machines work. Or someone to keep a watchful eye on your technique. Even someone to give you that confidence that you can squat that weight that you currently think is beyond your capabilities.

What happens once we do the test?

Once your child has finished their assessment, I will process their results and send through a detailed report for you. The report not only shows the topics covered, but the traffic light system makes it simple to see where your child is demonstrating understanding in each of the key areas.

For parents who want more detailed analysis, the following pages advise what outcomes were assessed and at what level. This allows you to see exactly where your child needs further support. The report also contains a brief outline of how the Australian Curriculum is structured for Mathematics, and some general recommendations about what to do next.

For parents who want more detailed analysis, the following pages advise what outcomes were assessed and at what level. This allows you to see exactly where your child needs further support. The report also contains a brief outline of how the Australian Curriculum is structured for Mathematics, and some general recommendations about what to do next.

Julie is a mum of a busy toddler, and a step-mum to 2 teenagers. She holds a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Graduate Dip in Psychology, Cert 4 in Training & Assessment and has completed multiple courses in high level coaching like her Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Practitioner in Change Management. In addition to her obsession with learning and coaching, she’s also worked in two of the top Victorian performing schools in both VCE and NAPLAN data, as well as working in low performing schools and alternate settings in VCAL numeracy.

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